Hibox Review

Hibox is a task management platform that helps you manage your assigned tasks, modern teams, and more in one place. Hibox offers many exciting new features to help you stay on top of your workload without hiring additional staff.

Hibox offers an intuitive interface with features like task templates, time tracking, file sharing and comments on assigned tasks, and video chat.

Hibox can be used across multiple devices to provide mobility for appropriate team members who are always on the go. Hibox also has integrations with other services like Slack and Trello to make managing projects even more accessible!

What is Hibox?

Hibox is a complete team collaboration platform that helps businesses communicate more efficiently.

With its secure online platform for internal instant chat capabilities and streams—you can create your channels. You can discuss specific topics or projects with different groups of people instantly!

The company-wide public room is where you can find all of Hibox’s latest information. They offer advanced task management tools so that team members can get their jobs done efficiently and effectively, without any hassle or confusion from unclear instructions!

It’s easy to stay organized with this project management tool. You can attach files for guidance and even video conferences on your computer or mobile device!

Hibox Features

Here are some of the features that you will enjoy. These benefits give it to me and make my life easier too!

Task Management

You can keep your team focused with detailed and intuitive progress tasks and assign them to specific people. With the intuitive task management system, you’ll never have to worry about your unit being distracted or lost again.

You can create detailed tasks easily with a deadline for each person on the project, so they know when their following motion needs to happen!

Company Chat

Hibox Compnay chat

If you want a secure, private space for your coworkers, company chat is the place to be. Company Chat is a way to connect with your coworkers quickly and effectively.

It’s perfect for sharing thoughts, ideas, or plans that you may have without being too self-conscious about what others might think! 

You can create streams and invite other users to organize projects. You can also use the Public Room, where everyone will know what’s going on with company-wide announcements!

Group Video Chat

Instantly video chat is the new way to stay connected with your team. No matter where you are, no downloads or integrations are required!

Just one click, and it’s all set up for a real-time online communication platform through webcams on both ends of this call. So there is never any hesitation about who should be talking during meetings anymore.

Because each person in Group Video Chat may see, hear, and speak to each other!

Hibox Video Call

Your Own Personal AI Assistant

The future is here, and it’s a bot. You can now have a personal artificial intelligence assistant to help with everyday delegate tasks. 

With the Artificial Intelligence-powered chatbot, you can get things done without any effort on your part!

The best part about this? It’ll automatically recognize patterns in messages from people around the office or home. Like when someone needs help with their task list. And it can suggest possible actions for them to take next time they come into contact (like creating another one).

Search Everything

Search for conversations in your past that were previously unknown to you, or find out exactly what was said during any specific discussion.

You can also Filter through tasks and files by status – whether they be high-priority items. Like the projects due tomorrow at 8 am OR low priority but still significant enough where you need them done sooner than later!

Get all those details right here on this app, so there’s no room left over inside of the head.

Hibox Communication

File Sharing

Hibox is the ultimate file-sharing platform for all your needs. Whether you want to share files with friends, family members, or coworkers in an easy-to-use interface, if it’s about business, then Hibox has what everyone needs!

With integration capabilities that allow users seamless access from any device, they are logged into their account (including mobile).

There will never be another solution like this one out there today.

Integrate Your Favorite Apps

Are you tired of juggling different accounts for work, school, and personal matters? If so, then it’s time to get serious about managing all your essential data in one place. 

The Hibox can help you a lot with it.

Maintain your favorite apps in one place with the integration of Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box. You can also integrate Gmail for seamless syncing across all other platforms, which will save you time on paperwork while staying organized at work!

Data Security

The protection of your information is what they do best. All the files and conversations you have on their servers will be kept private, encrypted in bank-grade security cloud servers without any setup required!

Your data has got some profound love at this company. So don’t worry about it going missing or being accessed by someone else as long as they can get past these locks with their key.

Hibox to do

Choose your plan

Hibox is a chat app that combines task management and video conferencing into a single product, making it easier for you to work together with your team.

Hibox is available in three forms: Free, Standard/Pro, and Enterprise.

So create your account and invite your whole team in less than 30 seconds.

Basic Plan US$0/month. Forever!

  • Up to 10 people can use the program at once.
  • Total storage is 2 GB.
  • It has basic project management capabilities.
  • There is little help available online.
  • You can search Most recent conversations.

Pro Plan US$4 /month per user:

  • Per-user has 5GB storage.
  • Advanced task management capabilities.
  • Advanced file organizer.
  • It has an Online support team.
  • You can search here ultimately.
  • It has external app integrations.
  • It has a Videoconferencing system.
  • It has a custom URL (with 20 users or more).

ENTERPRISE Plan US$8 /month per user:

  • It has unlimited storage.
  • Advanced task management.
  • It has an advanced file organizer.
  • It has priority support.
  • You can search ultimately here.
  • The external app integrations are here.
  • You can be videoconferencing with your team.
  • It has the compliance message history.
  • It has a custom login URL.
  • Advanced security settings.
  • Audit logs.
  • Custom URL (with 20 users or more).

How to Purchase Hibox Lifetime AppSumo Deal ($59)

  • Visit the “Hibox Lifetime AppSumo” deal page.
  • A pop-up window will appear after a few seconds.
  • To get the special perks, simply enter your email in the box.
  • Continue with the email address you used for 10% off.
  • In the end, you’ll get a $10 discount.
  • Discount offers are only available to new users.
Appsumo 10 Percent Discount for Hibox


Hibox is an easy-to-use, cloud-based solution that helps you manage modern teams, tasks, and more.

If you feel like your team members are out of touch, or if their schedules don’t sync up with yours easily, then this may be the platform for you.

Using Hibox‘s intuitive interface makes it easier than ever to stay on top of what everyone is doing while also delegating work effectively.

Plus, it will save you money too!

Grab Hibox Lifetime Deal Now!

** Images are taken from Hibox Lifetime deal on Appsumo

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